After contacting other families who had been through a simliar tragedy as we had, I felt that it was very important to honor the memory of all children who have suffered with this horrible disease. So I have created Kayley's mito angel friends web page which is dedicated to all those children affected by mitochondrial diseases and these are just a few of the precious children who have lost their battle with Mitochondrial disease. Please take time to remember their beautiful faces and go to their web page(if they have one) and sign their guestbook or just send an e-mail, it means so much to their families who love and miss them so much.



Some souls pass through this life time like a gentle summer rain. They touch our hearts and then return to heaven once again


Welcome to Kayley’s
Mito-angel Friends


Heavens Special Child-


A meeting was held quite far from Earth
It's time again for another birth
Said the Angel to the Lord above
This Special Child will need much love
His progress may seem slow
Accomplishments he may not show
And he'll require extra care
From folks he meets way down there
He may not run, laugh or play
His thoughts may seem quite far away
In many ways he won't adapt
And he'll be known as handicapped
We want his life to be content
Will do this Special job for you
They will not realize it right away
The Special role they're asked to play
But with this child sent from above
Comes a richer much stronger love
Soon they'll know the privilege given
In caring for this gift from Heaven
Their precious gift so meek, and mild
He is Heaven's Special Child!


-Edna Massimilla-




In Loving Memory

May we never forget ...


Cameron Mason Wiggins

July 5, 2000 - July 5, 2001

Leigh's Disease



Taylor Scott Dotherow

October 15, 1999 - October 6, 2000

Complex I deficiency

Lochie Jacob Georg-Dent

20 July 2000 - 20 July 2001

Cardiomyopathy & unconfirmed mitochondrial disorder

Tayla Mary Martland

16 March 1997 - 4 January 1999

Pyruvate Dehydrogenase Deficiency(PDH)


Joshua John Lloyd

November 30, 1994 - January 13, 2001

Leigh's disease


Drew Jasen Cameron

4 November 1997 - 2 April 1999

Leigh's Disease Complex I & IV


Steven Olivier

10 September 1993 - 13 August 2000

Pyruvate Dehydrogenase Deficiency


Zachary Lalonde

July 3, 2000 - May 22, 2001

Complex I deficiency


Myles Thomas Gellert

3 October 1995 - 15 March 1998

"An Aussie Braveheart"

Anastasia "Staci" Barbara Echert

October, 28 1993 - September, 24 2001

MIDS, Maternally Inherited Dysautonomia Syndrome

Aspyn Remar Block

November 14, 2001- July 15, 2002

Unknown Mitochondrial Cardiomyopathy



Linus Olof Rudolf Nylén(left) - Theodor(Theo)Svante Randolph Nylén(right)

Theo July 13, 2001 - 30 December 2001

Linus July 13, 2001 - 2 January 2002

Leigh's syndrome


Olivia Lauren Steele

May 10, 2000- November 14, 2000

Mitochondrial Myopathy

Austin Cole Rosler

September 9, 1995 - January 6, 2000

Complexes I-IV
Forever Four

George Azar

10 August 2002 - 1 April 2003

Leigh's Disease


Samya Haddad & Leanna Haddad

March 17, 1994 - December 10, 2002 & May 5, 1997 - March 20, 2005

Leigh's Disease


Jenna Florence Clark

February 17, 2002 - November 22, 2002


(Medium Chain Acol Dehydrogenase - a fatty acid oxidation disorder


Corinne Joy Berndtson

November 15, 1999 - November 14, 2003

Mitochondrial disease

Katrine Koschmieder Jorgensen

2 February 2002 - 17 October 2003

Complex I & IV deficiency

Shannon Dacanay

March 26, 2002 - January 7, 2004

Pearson Syndrome,
(transfusion dependent sideroblastic anemia)

Alice Lindsdell

March 17th 2003- February 9th 2004

Leigh's disease

Rachel Elise Vanderven

September 23, 2003 - December 1, 2003

Mitochondrial DNA depletion syndrome

Matthew Bailey

December 24, 2002 - November 21, 2003

Mitochondrial disease with Complex I & IV deficiency

Tamia Rose Doble Delgadillo

August 19, 1998 - November 16, 2004

Leigh's disease

Karlee Beth Atkins

11-14-02 - 8-10-04

Mitochondrial disease with Complex I & IV deficiency

Lorenzo Gregory Scavio

December 28, 2004 - April 10, 2005

?Mitochondrial disease (awaiting biopsy results)

Anna Sue Kleckner

3/12/2004 - 8/12/2004

Unconfirmed mitochondrial disease


Kira Pauline Bekker

June 6, 2003 - January 4, 2005

Suspected Leigh's Disease


Tylor Ryan Gross

December 13, 1995 - June 25, 2002

Cytochrome C oxidase defiency Complex IV (Partial mito diagnosis)

Elijah Jeramie Kurtz

02/15/2003 - 11/25/2005

Leigh's Syndrome


Kayla Christina Williams

January 9, 2004 - June 6, 2006

Mitochondrial disease with Complex IV deficiency

Skye Nicole Anastasia Bove

December 17,2003 - March 18,2006

Mitochondrial Cytopathy


Harry William Elrington

2nd September 2006 - 6th November 2006

Mitochondrial disease - Respiratory Chain Deficiency Complex III


Kristen Lesley Preston

23/09/92 - 18/11/92

Lactic Acidosis -Mitochondrial Respiratory Chain Complex I & IV



Kayley McManus

16 March 2000 - 23 September 2000

Leigh's disease



If you would like to add your mito angel to this page please send me an e-mail with the name of your mito angel, a photo (if you have one), their birth date and angel date and the mitochondrial deficiency. Thanks

Click here for e-mail form to submit your mito angel



Special Angels

I have "met" too many other bereaved mothers through the internet and wanted to add a small section for special angels that have touched my life.


Connor Chellios

Feb 12, 2001 - Nov 2, 2001

Claire Smith

3 March 1999 - 24 March 2002

Andrew C Hooker

Dec 10, 1996 - Jan 9, 2001


You are listening to


By Celine Dion


Fly, fly little wing Fly beyond imagining
The softest cloud, the whitest dove
Upon the wind of heaven's love
Past the planets and the stars
Leave this lonely world or ours
Escape the sorrow and the pain
And fly again

Fly, fly precious one
Your endless journey has begun
Take your gentle happiness
Far to beautiful for this world
Cross over to the other shore
There is peace forevermore
But hold this mem'ry bittersweet
Until we meet

Fly, Fly do not fear
Don't waste a breath, don't shed a tear
Your heart is pure, your soul is free
Be on your way, don't wait for me
Above the universe you'll climb
On beyond the hands of time
The moon will rise, the sun will set
But we won't forget

Fly, Fly little wing
Fly where only angels sing
Fly away, the time is right
Go now, find the light














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Lastest mitoangel added & page updated: Nov 08, 2006@Copyright Jenny McManus 2003